3372 RON
Disponibilitate: în stoc
Romania is one of the most recent Member States of the European Union. Professionals and researchers in the relevant field strive to ensure correct interpretation and application of European Union law.
Training programmes, higher education curricula included, along with research activities performed in Romania are disparate; information on European Union law is still received apparently without any solid domestic reflection.
The book will feature interviews with well-known personalities in the field of European Union law several (former and current) members of the Court of Justice of the European Union, professors, (younger) researchers both from the academia and practitioners, and is meant to provide the Romanian legal community with individual experiences of those interviewed. We think the work would consolidate the research framework in Romania and that such an approach would prove as useful to those interested in the field of European Union law.
Each interview will seek to communicate opinions concerning novelties brought by the Lisbon Treaty and by the recent case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, issues raised in research methods in the relevant field of European Union law along with personal experiences concerning the same field.
The work will be published with a foremost publisher in Romania, both in English/French (languages the interviews are conducted) and Romanian (in translation) and also a distribution to around 100 libraries in Member States of the European Union will be sought.
We are glad to inform that currently certain well-known personalities have confirmed that they would take part in this project, as follows, in alphabetical order:
René Barents, Joxe Ramon Bengoetxea, Elsa Bernard, Patrick Birkinshaw, Kieran Bradley, Morten Broberg, Roberto Caranta, Valerius Ciucă, Thomas Cottier, Bill Davies, Gareth Davies, Bart Driessen, Mariolina Eliantonio, Niels Fenger, Albert Sanchez Graells, Elspeth Guild, Marc Jaeger, Alfred Kellermann, Philipp Kiiver, Juliane Kokott, Valentine Korah, Alexander Kornezov, Marco Loos, Thomas Lundmark, Imelda Maher, Giuseppe Martinico, Mirjam de Mol, Stephan Rammeloo, Norbert Reich, Daniel Sarmiento, Jan Smits, Alexander Türk, Liesbet Van den Broeck, Christian von Bar, Eddy Wymeersch, Jacques Ziller, Reinhard Zimmermann.
The editors are Mihai Sandru and Mihai Banu.
Daniel-Mihail Sandru
Profesor universitar la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Universitatea Crestina „Dimitrie Cantemir”. A fondat si coordoneaza Centrul de Studii de Drept European al Institutului de Cercetari Juridice „Acad. Andrei Radulescu” al Academiei Române. Judecator ad hoc la Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului si arbitru la Curtea de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe lânga Camera de Comert si Industrie a României. Presedinte al Societatii de Stiinte Juridice si al Asociatiei Române de Drept si Afaceri Europene. Redactor sef al Revistei române de drept european (Wolters Kluwer). Poate fi contactat la adresa [email protected]; pagina web: www.mihaisandru.ro.
Constantin Mihai Banu - Coordonator
Cercetator asociat al Centrului pentru Studii de Drept European - Institutul de Cercetari Juridice din cadrul Academiei Romane, redactor-sef adjunct al Revistei Romane de Drept European, editata de Wolters Kluwer Romania).
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