Leveraging technology for learning, volume I

  • Autor:

  • Editura: Editura Universitară

    ISBN: 2066-026X

    Doi: 10.5682/2066-026X

  • Anul publicării:

    Ediţia: I

4334 RON

Disponibilitate: stoc epuizat

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Mai multe detalii Leveraging technology for learning, volume I

The 8th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 2012 is organized by the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association and was held in Bucharest, in April 26th - 27th 2012.

The purpose of the annual international scientific conference on „eLearning and software for education” is to enable the academia, research entities and corporate to boost the potential of the technology enhanced learning environments, by providing a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievement.

The central theme of this event focuses on:
“Leveraging technology for learning”  

The conference aims to promote original articles of basic research results and  experimental development, case studies and best practices, critical analysis and commentary, statistics, assessments and forecasts on Technology Enhanced Learning.

The conference advances for discussion the following main sections:
- Management strategies and policies
- Pedagogy and psychopedagogy in new learning environments
- Computer science and new support technologies in learning
- Serious games in theory and practice
- Corporate elearning and training
- E- Content / Instructional design.

Despre autor

Ion Roceanu

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