• Autor:

  • Editura: Editura Universitară

    ISBN: 978-606-591-989-1

    Doi: 10.5682/9786065919891

  • Anul publicării:

    Ediţia: I

000 RON

Disponibilitate: stoc epuizat

Acest produs nu este pe stoc momentan.


Engineering and Maintenance Series for Junior Engineers is a periodical technical bulletin edited and issued by the Romanian Nautical College for the broad usage of technical personnel in the engine room. It is specially addressed to the junior engine officers at the beginning of their career, to enhance their technical background and practical skills, as well as to develop their versatility inside the Shipping Company.

The content of this series of brochures is focused on engine room systems’ phenomenology, as a solid base of obtaining an optimum performance of naval engine systems and auxiliary machineries and of proper diagnoses of their potential malfunctions. Last but not least, the broad target of present brochure is to support the Company’s ships in attaining the “zero incidents” goal, in the most cost‑effective manner.

The Engineering and Maintenance Series has the following objectives:

„- familiarizing junior engineers with modern propulsion systems, especially engines with electronically controlled distribution

„-  improving specialized abilities of the crew working in the engine room

„-  building and developing practical skills to operate and perform maintenance of auxiliary shipboard systems and equipment

„ - create and improve ability to apply emergency procedures (reacting to emergencies)

-„ improving technical maritime English language skills

-„ preparing for the best results in the pre‑promoting assessment of competency

„-  filling gaps in the general training offered by the education systems 

„ - meeting Companies’ latest technical requirements

„-  increasing Company’s trust in junior officers

- helping ships and Companies to attain the “zero incidents” target

Despre autor

Adrian Gaureanu

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